Pinnedultrademocracyan ideal policy-making body has two fundamental characteristics.Nov 26, 2022Nov 26, 2022
Pinnedlvt productivitythere’s a claim that LVT is beneficial because it causes land to be more efficiently allocated. But this is irrational because the current…May 12, 2023May 12, 2023
i’m moving to substacki recently learned that medium requires readers to log in, so i’ve moved to substack.Mar 21Mar 21
The Democratic Potential of Jury Selection in Closed List SystemsIn the realm of electoral systems, closed-list proportional representation often faces criticism for being less democratic than open-list…Feb 191Feb 191
poverty in the u.s.a.sure, america is rich. but a lot of people love to argue that this doesn’t really matter when it comes to the quality of life for the…Feb 52Feb 52
a georgist rationalist constitutionwe, the people of the united states, establish this constitution to secure individual liberty, mutual prosperity, and just governance…Jan 314Jan 314
Legal Opinion on the Constitutionality of Mandatory Jury Service for Ballot Initiative ProcessesIntroductionJan 24Jan 24
Voters Are the Problem — Why Juries Should Decide ElectionsIn an era of unprecedented information fragmentation, our democracy faces existential challenges. From the 1950s through the 1980s, when…Jan 21Jan 21