say we have three groups of voters with preferences for social and economic liberalism or conservatism indicated as follows. test.
| % | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th |
| 35% | sl ec | sc ec | sl el | sc el |
| 33% | sc el | sc ec | sl el | sl ec |
| 32% | sl el | sl ec | sc el | sc ec |
notice that a landslide 65% majority of voters (33% plus 32%) prefer an economic liberal to an economic conservative regardless of social position.
and notice that an even larger 67% landslide majority of voters (35% plus 32%) prefer a social liberal to a social conservative regardless of economic position.
and yet…a 68% majority (35% plus 33%) prefers a social and economic conservative to a social and economic liberal.
so when we say that majoritarianism is logically disproven, it’s really true.
here’s an even deeper examination.